Almost the coolest thing to ever happen to this dimension! We finally got the booster packaging and all of our awesome looking cards.

We single handedly sorted and organized each pack so that each player receiving a booster deck, will get one tubular experience. Fighting with 10 battle ready cards in various tiers so that Champions can shine.
We packed about 150 promo decks that had 10 Champions, 1 rule card, a tiny die, a sticker and a removable tattoo. Cool huh!

This was it! We had to play this as we intended, with cards slapping against the table and dice clanking together in epic stakes of complete domination. We can honestly say,
Let's be real for a second and acknowledge that Jessie and I have been TCG lovers and retro sci-fi stuff wince we were born and this was something we really, REALLY, wanted to bring to this universe. A simple, yet verging on complex, battle card game that can expand to a toy board game adventure and much more. Something that entertained young gamers and also reached its grasp on the collectibility that older gen's like.
After playing and filming some funny stuff.
We arrived at Comicpalooza melting, I mean seeping through your undies kind of sweat. The humidity made wearing anything as unbearable as a sauna. There wasn't much a crowd Friday night. They had a party rave thing, which was cool to see a bunch of people try to dance and more so try to get the excitement for Comicpalooza going. Comic-con LA last year was much more energetic and fun, than this con. I think the heat got to people, I know it did mine. I was tired and grumpy because I was sweating like a shaved mouse wrestling in wet sock on a summer road.
We began playing on the ground at the party because we didn't have anywhere to play people on tables. It worked, a few people came over and played with us, how amazing they were too. An artist that had sick skills. A TCG gamer that showed us a fun game of Cockroach poker.

We left the night to rest up. Everything packed and ready for tomorrow except a few flyers to cut. I trimmed like a few hundred, which kept me up until 2am. I got to Jessie's and we grabbed the gear and game and left for our first marketing adventure with IAC. We get to the event and pass security and into the gates of hundred of art and cool stuff. I love everyone here, feels like my heaven, especially when I reached the retro and vintage game section. One artist made retro stuff for new trends. Like an old Nintendo cartridge made with new art of Chucky or something like that.

We didn't feel comfortable passing out flyers, it's not like concerts or business marketing, everyone wants intimate relationships, that is well, justified, I would too. So all this staying up for nothing. Poop.
I also found out through an email the night before that the QR code
We looked around and felt we should check out the board game area on the 3rd floor. It was about 15 percent full and stayed that way. What next to do, but set up shop.

We put out our binder and cards with shiny booster packs, dice and all. We began playing a round and in no time a young man came over to play with us and we nervously played a few rounds. He won I believe. We gave him a pack for playing. Then later a LGS (local game store) swapped over to check us out and promote us. What a stellar start! I think we got the most pumped during the Saturday gameplay. Afterwards. We ate and came back to play. A nibble but no one was energized to check us out as D&D was fully in motion.
So we packed up and called it a night. We thought about the amount of traction we hoped for and the hard truth, that goal was set too high. We wanted one hundred emails, but left the first two nights at 2 emails... Yuck.

Sunday, down and wounded, we pulled up our breeches and tied our boots, off to pass out these flyers that we couldn't do before and try new techniques. I was allowed to stand by the entrance and pass out flyers as giveaway promoting, the security guard was chill. People ate it up, but not one I think signed up, lol.
What were we doing wrong? Okay we went up stairs and tried the arena one more time at this point we were spent. The attempts were tiring. A reminder that we are true introverts, like give us a nuclear bunker and some drawing paper and we can survive like bacteria. But hundreds of people we respect and look up to, well I can't speak for Jessie, but I turn to
Jell-O. So we explored and enjoyed looking at some booths and meeting people. That panned out as it revealed that we should get a booth and also that we have some improvements to do on the game.
We headed back to the drawing board. Comicpalooza was a great experience and had so much value to us as creators and as community members. We are artist that love nerding out, we hope that this is the first step to a bad to the bone future!
Final thoughts.
We learned we need a few things improved.
Makingplayingcards.com is the manufacturer we went with. We received the the packages in what seemed to be Okay boxes. Though, the cards white paper on the edges were different colors. There were dented edges on multiple cards. Scratches and scuff revealing white on the front of the cards. Different color oranges on the border of the cards, the tint was off on every so many. Inevitably, we are looking for something affordable, but much higher quality before we send them out.
Reviewers will need to wait a little longer before getting their decks to play with. Sorry ya'll. This also applies to the Winners of the Dr. Pyro Hologram 4th of July giveaway.
A better rule book is something people recommended, so we are working on it.
A point chart / graph is also something we want to create for counting the battle points.
We still have 100 more unique and wild characters to have ready for launch. What a task.
People love the attire, that rad blue I AM CHAMPION t-shirt we made with an iron and magical love. So we are creating a solid tier list for our Kickstarter.
Our roadmap is also almost done. We have big dreams and really cool plans for our Champions and the game. You may just flip out when you see the cool inter-spacial board game we have for it ;)
We have the weapons to make for the story mode and for everyone to play sooner than later. This will be cool to play by yourself or with others.
That's about it. The rest we will let everyone know when it comes time. These are just some fun interactive ways you all can let us know your thoughts and or ideas about it.
Just join our Discord
Thank you everyone for the encouragement and great ideas that have paved the way for this game to flourish! We are working as hard as we can to bring you all this game as soon as possible and with prime time quality! WOOP WOOP!
Have a groovy weekend,
Joshua Lamb and Jessie Perry